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Join the Studio Support Team!

Be part of a passionate group of volunteers, assistants, and studio leads to help manage the day-to-day operations of the studio, assist teachers and classes, and be a welcoming and inviting face of our vibrant community of clay enthusiasts.

Thank you for your interest in joining our studio team! Please take a moment to complete this form so we can learn more about you and your availability.

Contact Information


Tell Us About You!

What role are you interested in? (Check all that apply):


How many hours per week can you commit to working in the studio?
Less than 3 hours/week
3 hours/week
6+ hours/week
Which days are you available? (Check all that apply):
Preferred time of day:

Skills and Experience

Do you have previous experience working in a ceramics studio?
Are you comfortable working independently and following safety guidelines?
Which studio tasks are you most interested in? (Check all that apply):

Goals and Growth

Are you interested in professional growth opportunities, such as mentorship or advancement to a Studio Lead position?
Are you interested in teaching?
Yes, I would like to teach one time workshops
Yes, I would like to teach 8 week beginner classes
Yes, I would like to teach 8 week continuing clay classes
Yes, I would like to teach kids classes



  • Volunteer: No commitment, as needed.

  • Studio Assistant: Minimum 3 hours/week, 3-month commitment in return for the 12-hour membership for the duration of position.

  • Studio Lead: Minimum 6 hours/week, 3-month commitment in return for the 24-hour membership for the duration of position.

Are you able to meet the required time commitment for your selected role?

Studio Policies:

By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to adhere to the studio’s policies and values, including fostering a welcoming, creative, and organized environment.

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